It was a double victory for the JBLFMU-Arevalo Unit as it bagged two out of three spots of the System Model Cadet 2022.

Mdpwn. Kezia Camille L. Teñefrancia (Arevalo Unit), the only lady among the gentlemen, marked her place as the System Model Cadet 2022. While, Mdpn. Angelo Ryan D. Giltendez (Bacolod Unit) and Mdpn. Angelo Mari A. Gonzales (Arevalo Unit) finished as 1st and 2nd runner-up, respectively.

After rounds of selection, Mdpwn. Teñefrancia garnered the two minor awards: Best in Interview and Best in Talent. While, Unit Model Cadet Mdpn. John Mhar T. Titular participated as one of the finalists for the selection.

“I realized that there are only few crazy women who dared to traverse this profession. I promised to myself to let the world know that the maritime profession is genderless. I am not just a
woman but a trailblazer for my fellow women who can be undaunted in breaking free from society's limitations and in conquering the endless seas,” Mdpwn. Tenefrancia quoted during the introduction round.

The System Model Cadet is a yearly selection joined by three participants from each of the three JBLFMU campuses. The finalists compete for the title and representation of an upright and
excellent Lacsonian who can set a good example and inspiration to the whole JBLFMU studentry.

The System Model Cadet Selection is part of the university’s 74th Foundation Anniversary

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