University Champions Safety, Disaster Preparedness in 2nd Campus-Wide Fire Drill

“This fire drill is a hallmark of our commitment to proactive safety measures. It's not just about responding to emergencies; it's about ensuring they never happen in the first place,” Disaster Risk Reduction Unit (DRRU) Adviser and Safety Officer 2/M Karl Danielle Sira emphasized during the university’s Second Fire Drill, September 15.

The officer noted that since fire drills onboard are practiced monthly, this precautionary method enhances the alertness of students as well as the faculty and staff to respond to fire situations in John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University (Arevalo), Inc.

Specific fire evacuation zones identified across the campus along with assembly points highlighted the emergency response.

Meanwhile, the drill were also headed by DRRU President Mdpwn. Raizah Joy Mariano, university's DRRU (Safety, Security, and Medics Unit), College Red Cross Youth (CRCY), Student Executive Council (SEC), Emergency Brigade, and in coordination with the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) Iloilo.

Furthermore, the activity was based on a Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memorandum No. 9 Series 2013, which states that every year all state colleges and universities are mandated to undergo a fire and earthquake drill.

Last September 9, the university joined the 2023 Third Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) spearheaded by the Office of Civil Defense (OCD).

 By: Mdpn. Jhonard Quirino


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