"We have not seen anything like it from other Maritime Higher Education Institutions' (MHEIs) we visited," stated Chief Engineer Arthur Tan during the simulator tour of prominent shipping company representatives under the umbrella of Nissen Kaiun, Philsynergy, and Stellar Ship Management on Thursday, August 8.
C/E Tan, a 1977 alumnus of Iloilo Maritime Academy, now John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University (Arevalo), Inc. — was part of the tour delegation, serving as the Executive Officer of Nissen Kaiun.
The delegation also included Capt. Daniel Lindo, President of Philsynergy; Mr. Kris Ralph Dinglasa, President of Gold Route/Zuphyr/Stellar Ship Management; Capt. Arnold Consignado, Head of Ship Management and COO of Stellar Ship Management; Capt. Graciano Terol Jr., Executive Vice President; Mr. Reynaldo C. Eroy, Assistant Vice President for Operations; Mrs. Tan, Board Member of Synergy; and Capt. Date Dalipe, 2012 alumnus.
"JBLFMU is proven to be excellent in terms of facilities and training for future seafarers and officers," C/E Tan added.
The simulator tour was spearheaded by C/M Virmari S. Tan, Ph.D., Dean of the BSMT Department and Director for International Relations; 2/M Aldin L. Turija, Lead Simulator Assessor and International Relations Coordinator; and 2/M Abcede A. Bangalisan II, Head of the Laboratory Department, who provided descriptions and an overview of the activities undertaken by students before they are sent onboard.
Moreover, it was joined by Mr. Robert O. Parcia, MSMM, Administrator, and 2/M Karl Danielle H. Sira, Safety Officer and AAO Head, along with other laboratory trainers and staff as the visitors were reportedly "amazed and overwhelmed" by the simulators.
Following the tour, these representatives visited JBLFMU-Molo with Dr. Ronald Raymond Sebastian and M/V John B. Lacson, accompanied by Capt. Alfred G. Espinosa, Ph.D.
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