The College of Business and Education extends its heartfelt gratitude to the accreditors for their dedication, thoroughness, and commitment to excellence on February 26-28, 2024 for the PACUCOA Level 3 accreditation.  This visit reflects the invaluable insights gained, the collaborative spirit fostered, and the profound impact of this process to JBLCF- Bacolod.

The accreditation visit symbolizes our journey towards continuous improvement and academic excellence. It confirms our unwavering dedication to upholding the highest standards of quality education and institutional effectiveness. The feedback and recommendations provided by the accreditors have not only validated our efforts but have also illuminated areas for growth and innovation. The institution is also reminded of the transformative power of external validation and peer review.

This achievement is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our faculty and staff, under the leadership of our dynamic Dean, Dr. Violeta A. Neri. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our school Administrator, Engr. Roberto Neal S. Sobrejuanite, and our OIC-Quality Assurance Manager 3E Bernard Sorbito Jr. for their unwavering support throughout this journey.

Special thanks to the PACUCOA team Chairs and members, along with our approachable PACUCOA accreditors: Dr. Dante Silva, Dr. Marilou Tolentino, Dr. Mitchell Borja, Dr. Lourdes Fumera, Dr. Antonio Yango, Engr. Noel Linsangan, Dr. Andreline Ansula, and Dr. Nenita Nagarit, PACUCOA Representative.

#JBLCFBacolod #PACUCOAAccreditation #Gratefulness
# The Maritime Vanguard


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